Loading Staff and Students into Lexia (My Lexia)

Lexia_RS_Logo_F_RGB-02 (1)

The school purchased a reading program called Lexia.  The technology department was asked to develop a way to upload staff and students into the database to prepare it for usage.   This is something that may have to be done from year to year, after a roll-over.

When processing the data for upload, it is easier to process by teacher instead of a mass download and upload, since when you load the students, the software will create the classes.   Then you have to match the teachers to the classes.

Here are a few other things to consider:

  • As the data comes from NEOMIN, it does not contain the proper format for all grades, username for students, and class names.   There is a custom utility within SIMS 4.0+ that will read in the NEOMIN .csv file and output a .csv file in the Lexia format.
  • The converter program does not covert the grade KG.   This has to be done manually for these classes.   Simply open the output Lexia format .csv file in Excel and change KG to K.
  • The student logins are:  Their e-mail address (even grades K-3, in the same format as if they had e-mails) and their pw is their student id (or lunch code).
  • This has to be done for every Language Arts teacher in the school district.
  • Take note of grade levels that split Reading and English to separate teachers (i.e. third grade).  For these situations, only load the reading classes.

To Import the Classes

Create a report from NEOMIN

  2. Select the appropriate building.
  4. Select the teacher you are working with.
  5. Select File Type = CSV
  6. Select Download Method = Download
  7. Click the Finish Button
  8. Save the file to a working folder.

Convert the file from NEOMIN to Lexia

  1. http://www2.newton-falls.k12.oh.us/sims/util-neomin-to-lexia.php (notice the www2, this is until we get the new webserver optional, then this will be moved over to www)
  2. Load in the file you generated in the step above.
  3. Enter the name of an output file (be sure to put the extension of .csv, the program will add lexia- to the front of the file).
  4. Click the Process File Button
  5. Save the output file to your working folder.

NOTE:  There is a variable within this file that will need be changed from year to year.   The variable is $this_years_seniors and it is right at the top in the grade_year function.   You will need to change this to reflect the current graduation year for seniors. This change only had to be made once before processing for the year. 

Load the file into Lexia

  1. Connect to http://www.mylexia.com
  2. Login into Rachael Rankin’s Login
  3. Click on Manage on the left
  4. Select Students at the top
  5. Click on Import at the bottom
  6. Select your lexia file to upload
  7. Click upload
  8. You will need to check to import the students
  9. When you import, if there is a problem, the system will tell you.
  10. Once completed, you have to go over to classes and assign the new classes to the teacher.
  11. If you have issues, you can download the error file and fix them, then try the upload again.

This procedure needs to be repeated for every teacher in the district.

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