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School District Wide IRN Numbers

The following is for documentation purposes and is public information: District IRN:  045567 High School IRN: 027151 Jr. High School IRN: 064725 Middle School IRN: 005256 Elementary IRN: 000950

Updating the School Distribution Lists

Updating the School Distribution Lists

The following directions outlines how to update the school staff distribution lists.  We have separate distribution lists for each building, as well as, the Tech office.  PLEASE NOTE, you cannot add a new member to a distribution lists if they do not have an account yet and it is not assigned to the district for […]

Direct Certification Processing

Direct Certification Processing

The direct certification is handled by the Technology Department since it involves taking data from the SIMS database and putting it into a different format.  This process is needed to get the qualifications for Free and Reduced based on state registrations.  It will be ran 3 times a year to compare our students with what […]