Updating Blizzard Bags Assignments


District policy states that if we exceed 5 snow/calamity days, the next three days can be addressed through the use of blizzard bag assignments that students can work on from home.

It is important that these are updated to reflect the current school year.   Each teacher can update their assignments online by using the following procedure:

  1. Create your assignments and save them as .pdf files.
  2. Log on to your SIMS account.
  3. Using the menu, select Class –> Blizzard Bag Editor
  4. You can click the “Change” button next to the course and day, and you will be given a prompt where you can choose a file.
  5. Click “Choose File” and browse to the new .pdf file and select it.
  6. Once selected, click the Upload button.
  7. Repeat this steps 4-6 for each class you wish to change.

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