Using LPD Command to obtain LPAD Information


You can view many different items using the LDP command.   This is the information that LPAD uses when it connects to the Active Directory; however, it will also help you with other items such as copying specific DC/OU information when you need it for other configurations.

To run the command:

  1. Connect to a server in the active directory where you want to retrieve information.
  2. Search for the command ldp and run it.
  3. In order to expand and display the information, you will need to “Bind” the connection using a valid user/pw.   To do this click on Connection / Bind, then enter the user/pw information.
  4. Click on View / Tree and enter the base DN you wish to browse.  Example: DC=TIGERDEN,DC=org

You can then expand the tree and view the structure within the Active Directory.   You can also click on the OU definitions and copy them for other utilities where you need to specify the path or OU path (creating bulk accounts for example).

Here is an example of the OU container for computers within the Jr. High / High School Library (all you have to do is drill down on the tree, then right click on the information you want and select copy DN.  You can then paste that information where you need it.  That way you don’t have to type it all out completely and risk making a mistake):

OU=Library,OU=Jr. High,OU=Students,OU=Computers – All Managed,DC=TIGERDEN,DC=org

For more information about what you can do with utility, visit:

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