Copying files from DVD on the server

We ran into an issue where we were trying to restore files to the server from a network drive. Some of the files were too large and we were getting an error message when trying to copy them over. We had to make a DVD with the file and manually copy them from the DVD to the correct folder on the web server.

This was done remotely as follows:

  1. Manually insert the DVD into the web server
  2. Remote into the Web server using Putty
  3. Mount the DVD
    1. mount –t ISO9660 –o ro /dev/cdrom /mnt
    2. You can now cd to /mnt and copy the files where they need to go
  4. When finished, you have to un-mount the DVD in order to remove it from the server
    1. Make sure you are not sitting in the directory of the DVD.
    2. umount /mnt

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