Finding the IP Address of Your Cell Phone


This post will explain how to find the IP Address of your cell phone.

For Apple Devices:

These steps apply to any Apple device

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select ‘Wi-Fi’
  3. Find the network you are currently connected to, it will have a checkmark near its name
  4. Select the blue icon to the right of the network name, and a window will open that has the IP address and some other network information

For Android Devices:

These steps may vary slightly based on what device you are using

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select ‘Network’ or ‘Wi-Fi’ or ‘Wireless’
  3. Select the network you are currently connected to and an info box should appear, with your IP address and some other network information

If you are still having trouble finding your IP on your Android, try Googling the model of your device + ip address for more specific instruction.

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