Finding the MAC Address of an Apple or Android device

Apple iPhone 5S and Google Nexus 5

This post will show you how to find the MAC address for your Apple or Android devices.

The directions for all Apple devices is the same, no matter if you are using an iPhone, iPad, or another Apple device:

  1. Open ‘Settings’
  2. Select ‘General’
  3. Select ‘About’
  4. The MAC Address is listed as ‘Wi-Fi Address’

The directions for an Android device will vary based on which phone you have.

  1. Open ‘Settings’
  2. Select ‘System’ or ‘About Phone’ or ‘Status’
  3. Select ‘Network’ or ‘Hardware Information’ or ‘About Phone’ (If your phone had a ‘System’ tab)
  4. Look for ‘Wi-Fi MAC Address’ or ‘WLAN MAC Address’

If you are still having trouble locating your MAC Address, try Googling your phone model + mac address to find more specific instructions.

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