Using GAM to bulk create accounts


Each year, we need to create new accounts for students.   The easy way to do this is using the GAM scripts, and creating the account in bulk.

At Newton Falls, we provide a Google Account for every students grades 4-12.   These accounts are mostly used within the curriculum and for communications.  At the technology department, we create new student accounts for the fourth grade each year after NEOMIN has finished the roll-over procedures.    All other student accounts remain active within the system.

To create these accounts:

  1. Create a .bat file file with the command to create each new account.
  2. Save the .bat file in the C:\GAM folder on TPAW-01.
  3. Drop down to the command prompt and set default to the directory.
  4. Run the .bat file.

GAM is a command line utility that is installed in the directory and it will create the accounts in bulk, saving many hours of work in creating each account individually.

The command to create an account is as follows:

gam create user [email address] firstname [First Name] lastname [Last Name] password [default password] changepassword on gal off org [org group]

You would have the above command for each student and place those commands into one .bat file.

For 4th graders:

Email address = [grad year][first initial][last name]

Default Password = tigers[student id number]

Org Group = /Students/G[four digit grad year]

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