FM Audit Moved to TPAW-02


FMAudit is a utility that is used by our printer and copier vendors that is used to monitor our printings and supplies on the network on a regular basis.

One of the challenges we had to do to move over to the new network was to get this software moved over to the new domain.   In order to do this, we had to install the software on one of the new servers, and we chose TPAW-02 for the installation.

The installation was actually pretty simple and straight forward, after I installed .NET 2.0/3.0 on the server.   The server would not allow me to install the software until this older version of .NET was installed which posed an issue with installation on TPAW-01.   There was no configuration had to be done once the software is installed, but it took a while for the discovery to go out and retrieve all of the printer information.

We placed the install file within the network installs folder under FMAudit/Cosby Mook, in case the software will have to be moved again in the future.

To access the software, login to TPAW-02 and open the FMAudit from the Start menu.

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