Setup Voting for Homecoming


1. Obtain a list of the current seniors in SIMS

This can be done by running a filter on the students table in Navicat providing all seniors.   Copy that result and paste that information into Excel, then remove everything but ID, Name, and Gender

2. Clean-up list for upload

In the gender field, do a find/replace changing F to G and M to B.

For the name, add a column with a formula similar to the following providing that column B would be the last name and column C would be the first name:

= B1&”, “&C1

Save the results as a CSV file, this is ready for upload in Navicat.

3. Prep the tables for upload

Clear out HomeComingCandidates

Clear out HomeComingVotes

4. Clear table and upload the students in Navicat

You will upload to the table:  HomeComingCandidates

5.  You will have to upload a list of senior that are going to the TCTC as well.

6.  In the SLI section of the website, on the index.php page, there is a section for homecoming voting.  Make sure the following is in place:

The image should be voteForHomeComing.gif

On the homecomingVoter.php – the iframe src needs to be set to homecomingVoter-main-skin.php

7. Besides some testing all should be good.  

8. After the initial voting is done, the the system will have to be switched to King/Queen Voting.

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