Setting up a new blog on the district’s web site


In 2013, one of the objectives for professional development and improvements is the communications with the community.  This is a primary goal for the building principals and a request was made to the technology department to have a way of establishing personal web pages for anyone who requested them to be established.  The chosen method for this will be personal blog sites.

The following directions will outline the steps needed to establish a new blog site on they district’s web server. 

  1. SSH/Login to the district’s web server.
  2. CD /var/www/html/templog
  3. Create the new directory on the webserver
    1. mkdir /var/www/html/[new directory]
  4. Copy the tempblog files over to the new directory
    1. cp –R ./* /var/www/html/[new directory]
  5. Change the ownership and group of the files in the new directory
    1. CD /var/www/html/
    2. chown –R apache ./[new directory]
    3. chgrp –R apache ./[new directory]
  6. Follow the directions for installing WordPress.  Some items you will need for the configuration is as follows:
    1. Use the database: blog
    2. Change the prefix to reflect the name of the new directory.  WARNING do not use wp_ since this is already in use.

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